Staging Chinese Revolution: Theater, Film, and the Afterlives of Propaganda
Ouvrage de Chen Xiaomei ( Columbia University Press, 2016).
Carnets du Centre Chine (CNRS/EHESS)
Carnets du Centre Chine (CNRS/EHESS)
Ouvrage de Chen Xiaomei ( Columbia University Press, 2016).
Ouvrage de Sigrid Schmalzer (University of Chicago Press, 2016).
Article de Guilhem Fabre, membre associé du CECMC.
The ERCCT Fellowship 2016 will be granted by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China (Taiwan) beginning August to October 2016 to a Ph.D. student or postdoctoral research fellow in one of the fields of Taiwanese politics and and law, economics, society and cross-strait relations.
Ouvrage sur les vicissitudes de la réception de l’œuvre de Beethoven en Chine au 20e siècle, par Sheila Melvin et Cai Jindong, déjà auteurs de : Rhapsody in Red : how western classical music became Chinese (2004).
Call for papers for a conference devoted to the history of water management in the arid regions in the Middle East, Maghreb, Sahel, Caucasus, Central/Inner Asia, Mongolia, and China in the early modern and modern periods and into the present day.