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Katiana Le Mentec en mission au Brésil

Katiana Le Mentec (CECMC) est en mission du 15 au 22 Juillet 2018 à la Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis (Brésil).

Elle participe au 18e congrès international organisé par l’International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) dont le thème est cette année “World (of) encounters: the past, present and future of anthropological knowledge” (

Katiana Le Mentec interviendra dans deux panels, dont l’un pour lequel elle est co-organisatrice :

Critical Issues in the Anthropology of Risk and Disaster

Panel organisé par Susanna Hoffman et Virginia García-Acosta


  • Vendredi 22 juillet, 08:30 – 12:00 et de 14:00 à 16:00


  • Federal University of Santa Catarina
    CSE, bloco B, primeiro andar, sala 114/ Block B, 1st floor, Room 114

Présentation de l’intervention de Katiana Le Mentec

Titre : Proposal for an anthropological investigation on territorial upheavals

By bringing to the discussion a different way to seize anthropological processes ongoing after disruptive events, this paper introduces a theoretical and analytical framework for an anthropological investigation on territorial upheavals, that is partially intertwined with the domain of Anthropology of disaster. Following the thread of transformations affecting the territory allows, I argue, new and heuristic comparative perspectives in this domain of research.
A wide range of events can be considered as territorial upheavals. Wether they are sudden – and often prepared nowadays – (e.g. flood, earthquake, landslide), progressive (e.g. desertification, deforestation, pollution) or planed (e.g. urban remodeling, water reservoir, mining), as well as valued differently (as disaster, development, …) by the actors involved, territorial upheavals are about a transformation (partial, temporary, definitive), if not a loss, of spaces inhabited, utilized and designed by people, who think and interact with them beyond their tangibility. What do modifications of topography, rural and urban landscape imply for people living and using them? What kind of anthropological processes might they trigger ? Avenues for reflection and research directions will be proposed based on fieldworks upstream of the Three Gorges Dam and in the Wenchuan earthquake affected area (China).

Dams and Water Reservoirs induced migration : Encounters of relocation’s imaginaries and resistances

Panel organisé par Katiana Le Mentec et Marcia Grisotti (Université fédérale de Santa Catarina UFSC, Florianopolis, Brésil)


  • Lundi 16 juillet, de 08:30 – 12:00


  • Federal University of Santa Catarina
    CSE, bloco B, primeiro andar, sala 114/ Block B, 1st floor, Room 114

Présentation du panel

This panel investigates relocation plans induced by dam and water reservoir such as the Three Gorges Dam (China), the Kurobe Dam (Japan), the Bello Monte Dam (Brazil) and other middle or small size water reservoir forced migration. These relocation projects are elaborated by governments, sometimes collaborating with development organisations and construction companies, promoting a certain interpretation – usually positive – of the process. They may relied on scientific, historical and mythical arguments, spread by way of TV, multimedia, festival, exhibition and so on, to facilitate the acceptation of the relocation by the affected communities and garner the support of the population. Affected people, who are promised a bright future, may also seize tools to shape and express their views on a relocation process separating them from their ancestral home and environment. Rituals, deity’s miracles and signs, legends, local arts, especially, conveying powerful and shared meaning among them, may be a springboard allowing affected communities not only to rectify official master interpretations but also to mobilise, critic and condemn aspects of the relocation plans.

The papers present ethnographic cases and explore encounters of imaginaries on such planned migration: the tools and platforms used by actors involved as well as the level of interactions and confrontation of views. Papers discuss current relocation projects as well as achieved ones, while considering their memory and legacies.

The comparative framework of the panel invite to explore two theoretical questions:

1 – What can we learn about way through which people elaborate imaginaries and interpretations on forced migration?

2 – How do relocation projects allow us to rethink encounters of imaginaries and interpretations between entities such as the State, local communities, local civil servants, businesses and development organisation ?

Intervenants au panel

Diego Amorim Xavier : Comparative Study on Resettlement in Brazil and China: Affected by The Belo Monte and Three Gorges Projects
Marina Reche Felipe & Marcia Grisotti : Socio-Environmental Effects of the Foz Do Chapecó Hpp: Social Actors Involved And The Environmental Impact Report.
Marcia Grisotti : The construction of health causal relations and social imaginary in the Belo Monte dam context
Katiana Le Mentec: Three Gorges Dam : cultural tools to express alternative interpretations of the population relocation
Carmen Giongo : Seven-headed creature”: memory and imaginary under the process of forced displacement at Itá dam
Guillaume Leturcq : Diversity of migrations around hydroelectric plants

Pour le détail des interventions :

Enfin, Katiana Le Mentec participera au meeting de l’IUAES Executive Commission for Migration Studies qui aura lieu le lundi 16 juillet de 12:00 à 14:00 ainsi qu’au symposium de la Commission for Disaster “Anthropology of Disasters in Latin America: State of the Art” qui aura lieu le lundi 16 juillet de 14:00 à 16:30 et le mardi 17 juillet de 16:00 à 18:00.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
katiana Le Mentec (17 juillet 2018). Katiana Le Mentec en mission au Brésil. Carnets du Centre Chine (CNRS/EHESS). Consulté le 26 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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