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Plus ça change? Media control under Xi Jinping

Dans le cadre du séminaire Culture et Politique en Chine contemporaineAnne-Marie Brady professeur à l’université de Canterbury (Nouvelle Zélande) prononcera une conférence intitulée : « Plus ça change? Media control under Xi Jinping ».

La conférence aura lieu en anglais. Séance ouverte à tous.
Veuillez noter que la séance se tiendra exceptionnellement en salle 15.


  • Lundi 16 janvier 201, de 16h à 18h


  • EHESS-Salle 15
    190 avenue de France- 75013 Paris


Since Xi Jinping took over the role of General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party in 2012 there has been a tightening of social, political, and economic controls in China, alongside a renewed emphasis on CCP ideology. But to what extent are Xi’s measures a continuance of policies established by his predecessors Jiang Zemin (1989-2002) and Hu Jintao (2002-2012)? Do they reflect a new direction for CCP media management and social and political control? What is the agenda behind these changes and what do they tell us about the CCP’s hold on power? This paper analyses trends in media control during the Jiang and Hu eras and then examines to what extent Xi’s initiatives are a new direction for the CCP government.


Anne-Marie researches Chinese domestic and foreign politics and polar politics. She is editor-in-chief of The Polar Journal, and has published ten books and more than forty scholarly papers on a range of issues including China’s strategic interests in the Arctic and Antarctic, China’s modernised propaganda system, New Zealand-China relations, NZ foreign policy and competing foreign policy interests in Antarctica. She is a fluent Mandarin speaker with dual majors in Chinese, Political Science and International Relations. Anne-Marie is a Global Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Centre in Washington DC, a non-resident Senior Fellow at the China Policy Institute at the University of Nottingham, and a member of the Council on Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific. In 2014 she was appointed to a two-year term on the World Economic Forum’s Global Action Council on the Arctic.

Her recent publications include: Marketing Dictatorship: Propaganda and Thought Work in Contemporary China (Rowman and Littlefield, 2008), China’s Thought Management (Routledge, 2012), The Emerging Politics of Antarctica (Routledge, 2013) and China as a Polar Great Power (Cambridge University Press and Wilson Press, 2017).

Publications d’Anne-Marie Brady disponibles à la bibliothèque du CECMC


Anne-Marie Brady. Propaganda and Thought Work in the Xi Jinping Era. USC U.S.-China Institute, April 16, 2015. URL : (Consulté le 7 janvier 2017)

Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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Monique Abud (14 décembre 2016). Plus ça change? Media control under Xi Jinping. Carnets du Centre Chine (CNRS/EHESS). Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse

Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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