Katiana Le Mentec, chercheur invitée à Chengdu
Katiana Le Mentec, ethnologue, chargée de Recherche CNRS est invitée comme chercheur à la School for Ethnic Studies – South-West University for nationalities, Chengdu, China 西南民族大学西南民族研究院与羌学中心(中国成都) du 21 Septembre au 23 Octobre 2015 dans le cadre du projet “Comparative study of upheavals ” soutenu par la Chinese State administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.
Du 21-25 septembre 2015, elle donnera une série de cours sur le thème Dealing with the event, Dialogues with French Anthropology.
The lecture explores theoretical ways through which the topic of the “ event ” has been addressed from an anthropological perspective. The goal is to present this domain of research which has been quite lively in France in the last sixty years. We will discuss “ events ”anthropologists are interested in: which kinds of study cases were developed, what topics were analyzed and how, in a dialogue with other disciplines, anthropology proposed several ways to theorize the event. The lecture will look at this field of research from various point of views in order to have a global glimpse of what can anthropologists learn from studying events.
The lecture is dedicated to an audience interested in Social and cultural anthropology, in Social change and disasters, as well as in the sphere or French academic research.
The lecture includes Katiana Le Mentec ’ s fieldwork and analysis on the consequences of the Three Gorges Dam and the Three Gorges Migration, taken as “ events ” . She will present her long term research program on transformative effects of territorial upheavals on socio-cultural conceptions, perceptions and representations, in the Sichuan-Chongqing Area.
French sub-field research on the event: authors and works since the 1960 ’
PART 1 – Typology and definition
- A situation seen as “ out of the ordinary ”
- Who has the authority to designate something happening an event?
- The characteristics of “ events ” : non-homogeneous typologies among researchers
PART 2 – Case studies – breaks and ruptures in the social reality
- Society and Public Affairs
- Justice affairs
- Religious, mystical or spiritual events
- Epidemic and sanitary crisis and scandals
- Elementary events and biographical bifurcations: illness, accident, epiphany, ritual
PART 3 – Interpretation and narration of the event
- Meanings constructed and deconstructed continually
- Rhetoric s, Languages and Categorizations
- Social and Historic contexts
- Memory and commemoration
- The role of media in the event
- Strategies to make the event
PART 4 – Theorizing the event to understand anthropological processes
- Events as illustrations for an analysis argument
- Events illustrating or revealing structures
- Event revealing a dynamic/ a process
- Recognizing the value of the event: the event with transformative power : The post structuralism approach, The Deleuze approach, The processual approach
PART 5 – Studying the transformative effects of events, a transversal study
- Territorial upheavals in Bashu area
- Social conceptions in transformation
Selected references
- Augé Marc, Où est passé l’avenir ?, Paris : Panama, collection Cyclo, 2008
- Bastide Roger, « La connaissance de l’événement » in Bastide Roger, Balandier Georges, Berque Jacques, Perspective de la sociologie contemporaine : hommage à Georges Gurvitch, Paris, P.U.F., 1968
- Bensa Alban and Fassin Eric (Eds), Qu’est ce qu’un événement, Terrain, 38, 2002
- Bessin Marc, Bidart Claire, Grossetti Michel (dir.), Bifurcations. Les sciences sociales face aux ruptures et à l’événement, Paris, La Découverte, 2010
- Clavandier Gaëlle, « Un retour sur la catastrophe », Le Portique [En ligne], 22, 2009
- Cretton Viviane, « Un coup d’Etat à Fidji, ou les enjeux d’un terrain bouleversé par l’événement », ethnographiques.org [en ligne], 2, 2002
- De Certeau Michel, La Prise de parole, Paris, Seuil, 1994
- Deleuze Gilles, 德勒兹 The Logic of Sense, Columbia University Press, 1990
- Foucault Michel, 福柯 Questions of method, in The Foucault Effect, studies in governmentality, University of Chicago Press, 1991
- Glowczewski Barbara et Soucaille Alexandre, Désastre, Cahier d’anthropologie sociale, 7, 2011
- Goetschel Pascale & Granger Christophe [ed.], Faire l’événement, un enjeu de sociétés contemporaines, Sociétés et représentations, 32, 2011
- Guille-Escuret Georges, « La revolution agricole des pygmées – de la structure dans l’événement et réciproquement », L’homme, 147 ,1998
- Langumier, Julien, Survivre à l’inondation. Pour une ethnologie de la catastrophe, Paris : ENS éditions, 2008
- Leclerc-Olive Michèle, Le dire de l’événement (biographique), Presses Univ. Septentrion, 1997
- Morin Edgar [ed.], L’événement, Communication, 1972
- Neveu Erik, Quéré Louis (Eds.) Special issue on the event in Réseaux, 1996 volume 14 n°75
- Olazabal Ignace et Levy Joseph (Dir.), L’événement en anthropologie. Concepts et terrains, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2006
- Petit Jean-Luc (Dir.), L’événement en perspective, Paris, Editions des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 1991
- Revet Sandrine, « Le sens du désastre, les multiples interprétations d’une catastrophe ‘naturelle’ au Venezuela », Terrain, 54, 2010
- Ricoeur Paul, Temps et récit 1,2,3, Paris, Seuil, 1983-1985
- Sirinelli Jean-François, « L’événement-monde », Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’histoire, 76, 2002, 35-38
- Véron Eliseo, Construire l’événement. Les médias et l’accident central nucléaire de Three Miles Island, Editions de Minuit, 1981
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Jacqueline Nivard (17 septembre 2015). Katiana Le Mentec, chercheur invitée à Chengdu. Carnets du Centre Chine (CNRS/EHESS). Consulté le 7 décembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/mf90