Smart cities, sustainability and strategic planning
Deadline for Application
April 30, 2015.Project Context
The partners of the MEDIUM project are offering a 18 months postdoctoral fellowship in China to a young European political scientist specializing in urban studies. Entitled ‘New pathways for sustainable urban development in China’s medium-sized cities’, the MEDIUM project is funded by the EuropeAid program managed by the EU Commission. Starting in September 2015 for a period of three years, the MEDIUM project seeks to address the institutional and socio-economic issues of urban sustainability in China’s medium-sized cities, building on the assumption that these dimensions are an integral part of the ‘green’ scientific challenge. The project provides for several workshops and conferences in three Chinese partner cities (Hangzhou, Datong and Hohhot), and fellowships for young European researchers in various areas of specialization related to urban issues (big data, spatial analysis of cities, industrial clusters, urban governance, housing/social policy, environmental policy). Another ambition of MEDIUM is to encourage collaborative approaches in China’s urban management through a series of stakeholder meetings, involving business communities, urban planners and architects. MEDIUM is led by the laboratory Géographie-Cités in Paris (coordinator Natacha Aveline), and brings together the Institute for Urban Studies at Hangzhou Normal University, Science-Po Aix, the European Center for Living Technologies at University Ca’Foscary Venice, Spatial Foresight (in charge of the stakeholder meetings), the Institute of Geography and Sustainability at University Lausanne, and the Group of Research in Territorial Economy at University Neuchatel.
Description of the Post-Doctoral Work
The postdoctoral fellowship is one of the nine fellowships offered. The fellow must be a citizen of the European Union. He/she will stay in one of the three partner cities (Hangzhou, Datong or Hohhot) and preferably collaborate with the other two, from September 2015 to April 2017. He/she will be assigned a Chinese host professor, and will intensely collaborate with Professors Jean Pierre Gaudin and Audrey Freyermuth, Supervisors of the fellowships, and with the Leading Team at Géographie-Cités. A monthly stipend of 2,100 € will be granted. This amount is a flat rate with which the fellow is expected to cover all of his/her expenses, including the airline tickets from Europe and domestic travels in China. As a member of the research team, the fellow will explore coalition regimes and systemic relations in line with decentralization and multilevel governance. The method will combine data collections and qualitative surveys. In addition, the fellow is expected to undertake the following tasks: • carry out a literature review on “Sustainability, smart cities and strategic planning” provide regular reports on work progress for the purpose of dissemination; • assist with organizing seminars and workshops; • assist with organizing stakeholder meetings led by Spatial Foresight
Profile of the Fellow
The fellow must have a background in political science. He/she is additionally expected to present the following competence: -Knowledge of China’s urban context; -Proficiency in network analysis, decision making and multilevel governance would be a benefit; -Advanced level in spoken and written English; -Chinese proficiency is not required, but the selected candidate will be asked to acquire a basic knowledge of Chinese prior to his/her departure.
The application should include a motivation letter, a curriculum vitae with a publication list, and a letter of reference. The first two documents must be provided in English. All documents should be sent by April 30 to and to audrey.freyermuth@sciencespo-aix.f
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Jacqueline Nivard (2 avril 2015). Smart cities, sustainability and strategic planning. Carnets du Centre Chine (CNRS/EHESS). Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse